Have AI stop shooting when all enemies destroyed.

Модератор: chaos_1

It my account of longheart, I have saved a combat replay called 'ai shooting after win'.

After defeating all of this astro lord's ships and starbase, the ai can clearly be seen shooting nukes and lasers into space. This is a waste of ammo, which happens to cost me crystals, credits, you name it.

I suggest that when all the enemies are destroyed, that the ai stop shooting.

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    The fight doesn't end immediately, in connection with this AI can shoot ammunition. It's not bug.

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      Yes, hence my suggestion - put in a simple if statement into the code that if all the enemies are destroyed, the ai doesn't shoot. Depending on how this is coded, you could even improve the computational speed of the server since if all the enemies are destroyed, the ai does not even need to run.

      This is done for aliens - when the last alien is destroyed, the alien ai stops everything. Why can't this be done for the captain ai too?

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