NEWS | ARENA TOP | |||||||||||||||||
Dear Lords! We are glad to announce that on May 30 we celebrate the 7th birthday of the game! This incredible event happened thanks to you, dear Lords, so we want to share the hottest discounts and festive mood.
In honor of the birthday of the game from May 29 to June 6, you will find:
1. Making payments through Xsolla and WebMoney payment systems, you will receive + 100% deuterium for free. 2. Discount on the purchase of the entire assortment of the Store -50% 3. 7x experience for the first win of the day. 4. Discount on all global premiums. services -50% (for premium ships -40%)
5. Discount on premium ships: - in the game in global services -40% - on the website in packages -77% 6. Discount on activation of Sciences -33% 7. The maximum amount of Deuterium and Credits that drop in boxes in battles has been increased by 5 times.
8. Discount on the purchase of premium asteroids, including secondary ones -50%. 9. 30% discount in deuterium/tritium when upgrading factories to level 10. 10. The chance of finding improvements in the Unusual Nebula is increased by 7 times.
Permanent changes: - The strength of the Station on MOBA 50 has been doubled. - a new war rune FRM has been added, which will not only add durability to Starbase, but also speed up its repair. Already available in the Store and on the website (Ultimate Protection package)
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